Emotional Skills and Competencies (3 days)


Learn how to avoid or prevent emotional episodes you later regret.

Learn to more accurately recognize how others are feeling.

Learn to respond effectively to others in family, social and work contexts.

Evaluating Truthfulness and Credibility (4 days)


Our most comprehensive training course in the field of detecting deception that is ideally suited for those that have the responsibility for making decisions after having evaluated truthfulness of a specific person. Improve your capacity and confidence in evaluating truth, lies and credibility in the course of observations, conversations and interviews.

Understand why people lie and use reliable models and approaches to pick up clues from all five communication channels – the face, body, voice, verbal style and verbal content. Paul Ekman and his core team are always keen to be directly involved where the projects are directed towards law enforcement and high level anti-terror/criminal activity due to their extensive experience in these fields.

Truth and Lies – the Science (1 day)


Learn to differentiate the many myths from the science in lie detection.

Learn to see micro-expressions on the face that reveal what someone is really thinking and feeling, and use that information to improve your ability to detect truth and lies.

Learn to prevent or alleviate sympathetic distress and overwhelming empathy with the suffering of others.